Mindset Is Everything- It starts with you!

Episode 1 May 16, 2020 00:09:05
Mindset Is Everything- It starts with you!
Mindset Goddess
Mindset Is Everything- It starts with you!

May 16 2020 | 00:09:05


Show Notes

Welcome to Mindset Goddess everyone!! In this episode, I will be telling you a little bit about who I am and what I am here to do for you! In this episode, I will be giving you 10 of my Abundance Affirmations. It is all about mindset- having the right mindset will help you to achieve your goals, reach your dreams, and allow abundance to freely flow into your life. Learn to manifest more money, your ideal partner, and the career or business of your dreams! Let's do this- let's have some fun!! 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Welcome to Mindset Goddess, the ultimate empowerment podcast for women. Are you ready to elevate your mindset, unleash your inner strength and embrace your full potential? Join us on a journey of self discovery, growth and empowerment as we dive into topics like confidence building, goal setting, resilience and so much more. Each episode is crafted to inspire and empower you to become the goddess of your own life, guiding you towards a mindset that empowers you to conquer challenges, pursue your dreams, and create a life you love. Tune in, subscribe and let's embark on this transformative journey together. Get ready to unleash the goddess within. [00:00:56] Speaker B: Hi everyone. Welcome to Mindset goddess. I am Veleska and I'm super excited to be able to be here today. I'm feeling very, very blessed to be able to do this podcast. This has been a dream of mine for years and finally I am making it happen. So I'm super happy that I get to produce this content for you. My clients kind of refer to me as the manifestation queen and spiritual boss babe, as well as certain family members and friends. They're always telling me that I have a powerful mind and the ability to manifest what I want in my life. I truly feel that to be true. And I want you to learn to do the same thing because it is a game changer, not only in your personal life, but in your business as well. And I believe that mindset is everything. So no matter what business you are in, having the right mindset is a total game changer. Just like having a negative mindset will stop blessings from pouring into your life, it will stop abundance from coming into your life, from blessing you. So you've got to learn to turn a negative mindset into a positive mindset. With the right mindset, abundance will literally flow into your life like a river and help you to achieve your goals and manifest your dreams. And this is what I want for all of you. It doesn't matter what you are here today for, whether it is because you want a different job or you want to start your own business or you want to work on your mindset, I want you to learn to manifest all of the abundance in the world. Anything that you want. Make it happen. Sounds like it's so easy, right? It is actually pretty easy. With the right mindset, you'd be really surprised to see what you can accomplish. So, as I said earlier, this podcast is for anyone looking to reprogram their mindset. Maybe you are someone who has a negative mindset about money. I did. I did. For all of my entire adult life. And it definitely stopped me from achieving my goals that I wanted to accomplish and achieving financial freedom. And honestly, it wasn't until I stopped this negative way of thinking about money and reprogrammed my mindset into thinking positively about money at all times that I started to see a complete change in my life with my finances and just, if you want to call it with my luck. So I'm here to share with you what I did to make this happen for me. That's what I am going to do with this podcast and also the courses that I offer through my business. Mindset goddess I started mindset goddess with one thing in mind. I wanted to empower women. I wanted to empower women to feel like they can do anything they want in their lives, accomplish anything they want, be who they want to be, no matter who said what or no matter who tried to stop them, even if it was themselves, stopping themselves from reaching their goals and dreams. So that's why I'm here. I want to help you live your life, your everyday life, with a positive and open mindset so that you can be open to receive all of the blessings that abundance brings. Once you can do this, I have ten affirmations that I would like to share with you today. So what I would like for you to do, you can write it down if you want or you can just listen. But if you can close your eyes and take three deep breaths and repeat after me. I am open to abundance. Abundance loves me. I am deserving of abundance. Abundance works hard for me and brings me more abundance. I am grateful for abundance. I love abundance and all that it brings me. Abundance allows me to do the things that I love to do with abundance. I am able to help others. Abundance is unlimited. I can do great things with abundance. If you could tell yourself these ten abundance affirmations every day, that would be awesome. What I do with my affirmations that I create, I record my voice, so I make my own affirmations and I listen to them usually in the morning when I am making breakfast and again in the afternoon when I'm doing things around the house. Just that it's always in your brain getting into your subconscious, working its magic in you. I'm really excited. I'll be offering you guys a lot of resources in every podcast and on my website. You can also find me on Facebook if you want to connect with me there. Mindset goddess. And I want you to be able to reach this level that I have finally reached. And the funny thing is, I never even realized what a negative mindset I had about money. It wasn't until I realized it that I thought, wow, that's it. That is it. That's the problem. I'm the problem. I am the problem. My mindset is the problem. And once I was able to recognize this, I was able to work on myself. And I'm not going to lie to you, it took months. It wasn't an overnight process. It took months and months of self development. I spent hours every day working on myself, listening to audiobooks, working on my gratitude journal, on my abundance journal, which I still do, by the way, and I will share with you what that is all about in future episodes. But it's a constant work and you should never stop doing it. But once you realize what the problem is, which is your mindset, you're able to make the necessary changes because you want to. Once you know what the issue is, you want to change it. You want to improve. So that's what mindset goddess is all about. And I really hope that you guys will come back for the next episode. Thank you so much for taking your time out to listen to me today. Have an awesome, awesome day.

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